Twitchell Champlin Building

(Pierce Atwood)

254 Commercial Street, Portland, Maine  |  2013 Preservation Award Winner

The Issue

The Twitchell Champlin Building (1884-1924) was a former spice mill and canning plant. After its industrial use ended, the building was altered for use as a cold storage building. That use lead to a deterioration of its masonry walls. 

Our Position

The leaders at Pierce Atwood were looking to relocate from a downtown office building and saw the potential in this underutilized former manufacturing plant on the waterfront. Using historic tax credits this Twitchell Champlin Building project demonstrates the major role that historic preservation plays in economic development. The new office space has brought workers to the western portion of the waterfront, increasing pedestrian activity along the sidewalks, and adding customers that patronize small businesses in the area.

Greater Portland Landmarks awarded Pierce Atwood their 2013 Special Preservation Honor Award to celebrate their leadership and vision in revitalizing this former manufacturing building. A creative interior design integrates architectural elements of the historic building and the reuse of this building has brought new energy to the western portion of Portland’s historic Commercial Street.


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